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History of the Linotype Company

Romano, Frank J.

History of the Linotype Company [electronic resource] / Frank J. Romano. - Rochester, NY : RIT Press, 2014. - 1 online resource (pages cm) - UPCC book collections on Project MUSE. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Clephane's history of the linotype -- Linotype's early years : great expectations and unforeseen betrayals -- Mackey's 1936 history of the Linotype Company -- Mergenthaler's linotype machines, 1883/1972 -- The logotype and other competitors -- The intertype -- John Rogers : inventor, and perfecter of the linotype -- Key people who built the company, 1888/1960 -- The war years -- The business of type -- Fonts manufactured by Linotype or its subsidiaries -- Mergenthaler expands beyond the linotype -- Linotype's periodicals and special publications -- Mergenthaler offices and factories -- My life at Linotype -- The phototypesetting era and corporate mergers -- Eltra : linotype becomes a modern conglomerate.


Mergenthaler, Ottmar, 1854-1899.

Mergenthaler Linotype Company--Biography.
Mergenthaler Linotype Company--History.

Inventors--United States--Biography.
Printers--United States--Biography.
Type and type-founding--History.
Typesetting machines--History.

Electronic books.

Z253 / .R736 2014
