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The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research : - /

Dr. Tafazzl Hossain, Professor.

The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research : - / Dr. Tafazzl Hossain, Professor. - 15 ; 1 . - Dhaka Bangladesh : Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science, 1997 - 166 p.

Nulufer H. Karim. Mahjuda Haroor, Mitali Banik, Saleha Khatun, M. Z. Haque & Ma. A. Razzaque Maximizing rice yield with high inputs. - 1
M.S.H. Khan Generating a class of busy period distributions in a steady state single server queue. - 9
P.C. Roy, R. Mandal and Z. Ahmad Impact of various moisture levels of the mineralization of Sulphur in soil as influenced by addition of urea and gypsum. - 15
Q. A. Samad & M.Z. Hossain Monetary policy, fiscal impacts and the balance of payments in Bangladesh: An econometric analysis. - 21
Delwar Hossain Application of geophysical logs to hydrogeologic problems in Barisal division and the surrounding region of Bangladesh. - 31
Md. Muklesur Rahman and shamsul Huq Molla A characterization of Dirichlet polynomials in several complex variables. - 39
N. Islam and M. F. Mondal Effects of nitrogen nutrition of the growth and yield of mustard and rape. - 45
Md. Abdul Quddus Regularization of functions with algebraic singularities. - 53
Z.H. Howlader and B. Gomes Studies on some physicochemical properties of a proteolysis enzyme isolated from Calotropis procerra. - 65
Mahmood Omar Imam, J. F. Mortelmans and D.L. Van Oudheusden Environmental aspect in transport policy. - 73
Rezina Ferdous An analysis of consumer behavior in rural Bangladesh: A divisional level study. - 83
Md. Nasirul Islam and Md. Mazibar Rahman Response surface methodology for the analysis of two factor repeated measurement experiment - 93
A.A.K. Majumdar On a bilateral sequential secretary problem with randomly arriving offers during a random life time: Discrete case. - 101
Md. Hussain Monsur Variation of magnetic susceptibilities of the quaternary deposits of the Madhupur area. - 109
Md. Abdul Quddus Evolution equation of type ------Max A, u-f by the theory of nonlinear semigroups in L
Md. Mahmud Alam and Md. Abdus Sattar Forced and free convection underlayer flow through a porous medium past a semi-infinite vertical porous plate for large buoyancy parameter. - 127
Rokeya Begum and M. A. Zaman Kary morphology and meiotic behavior of asteria Cianciolo (jack.) Haw - 139
M.M. Ali, A. K. Azad, Z. N. Sarker, M.B. Zaman and M. M. Rahman Some physic-chemical parameters of a few surface and underground water samples from Rashahi and Nawabganj towns. - 147
A.A.K. Majumdar A note on some two-person zero-sum exchange games. - 155
Md. Hasan Basri Hazra Prospect of using Geographic Information System (GIS) for hydrocarbon investigation in the eastern folded belt of Bangladesh. - 159
M. Tariqul Islam and M. A. Salam Salinity tolerance studies in some rice lines/varieties - 163


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